About Us

Our Vision

To be an institution that will be rated amongst the best in Nigeria, Africa and the world at large in terms of Godliness, academic excellence and life accomplishments

Our Mission

To help our students discover and fulfill God’s purpose(s) for their lives.

Academic Excellence
Jesus is at the centre of what we do in YHS

Our History

Yeshua High School started on 19th September 2005. Yeshua means Jesus.
The school came into existence by reason of a burden that had been discovered over two decades now. Many students go through secondary school more as “that’s the next step” and not necessarily “there is a desire in my heart that leads to accomplishment”.

YHS seeks to help students, not only to do well academically, spiritually, morally but to find out what they are on earth to accomplish. We also expose our students to vocational practice, sports, and many other activities that will help the individual student discover the talents that are latent in him or her. This, we have also discovered, will put our students in good stead as they seek admissions into universities all over the world. The world at large is not only interested in academic prowess but also in what they can handle outside the classroom.

Leadership training is also paramount in our curriculum because we believe that our students will become celebrities and they need to have the knowledge required to lead.
Jesus is at the centre of what we do in YHS.

The choice of a secondary school for your primary school leaving child is a step of faith. As you take it, choose YHS and allow us to join you to train him/her and you will never regret it.

Mrs Sinmisola Adigun is a graduate of the University of Ife, now Obafemi Awolowo University. She graduated with B.A (Education) in 1980.
She has been a teacher since then and has an unequaled dedication to excellence. She is the Proprietress of the School.

meet our team

Talents Behind Our Success

We have a team of dedicated and God loving staff who have a deep desire to see your child succeed.

Mr. Olajide Dada
Vice Principal

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Mrs. Faith Okeleye

Faith Abiodu Okeleye is a child centred educationist and a disciplinarian to the core whose mission is to contribute her quota in repairing the failing educational system in our nation through diligence, dedication and discipline in a godly environment.

Mrs Simisola Adigun

Mrs. Sinmisola Adigun is a deeply passionate educationist who consistently seeks to see to the building of a generation of great men and women.


What They Are Saying