School Uniforms

(sportswear, school uniform and house wear)





Languages Used

In Yeshua Schools, we communicate in English language to allow inclusion of everyone. We teach Yoruba language and French language as a part of our curriculum and we give our students a platform to express their knowledge of this languages.




Provision has been made for students to participate in any game of their choice from a wide variety provided by the school






We are meticulous about how healthy the meals we serve our students are, and we ensure we keep their meals early with our clean kitchen and healthy cooking methods



Transport Routes

The school has comfortable buses which are always on stand-by to facilitate movement of pupils at any required time.




Music and Art

Yeshua is school where the innate abilities of the students are explored. Our students are taught to play musical instrument, vocal exercises. Dancing is encouraged as well other forms of like drawing, adire making.




Student Leadership

We believe Yeshua students are not just leaders of tomorrow, but leaders of now. We give them opportunities to lead in the school as prefects.





Boarding Facilities

Our Hostels are home away from with staffs that love the students and treat them with love as well as a passion for their academic excellence.
    -Hostel facilities are available for boys and girls.




Career Day

True to our desire for our students to have life accomplishment, we expose our students to professionals in the different fields that our students desire to pursue.




Cultural Day

Located in a multi-cultural country like Nigeria, we make out time to celebrate our diversity on our cultural day when Yeshua students are exposed to the beauty of various cultures.